Creating Effective Landing Pages with HawkSearch
Behind every successful search result is a landing page. Landing pages create the context by which website visitors will view information and consequently make a decision to take an action step. HawkSearch can play a significant role in influencing the effectiveness of landing pages by giving merchandisers the ability to put their products or content in the best possible position to create a conversion.
Here are some critical areas in which HawkSearch can help landing pages be most effective.
Digital merchandising today is an interesting balance between art and science. Much in the same way that a merchandiser will build an appealing physical display in a brick-and-mortar store, their online colleagues must also figure out how to best position their products or content on landing pages in such a way that inspires conversion. The standard features found on HawkSearch can be a great help to merchandisers in creating landing pages that helps to accomplish their goals.
Boost & Bury
The Boost & Bury rules found on the HawkSearch dashboard allows merchandisers to control what products or information gets seen and in what order on landing pages. The boost functionality gives certain products much higher priority than others in search results, while the bury function will cause other items to have a much lower standing or even disappear altogether. After reviewing the sales performance of a given group of products, the Boost & Bury feature allows merchandisers to automatically give landing page preference to best sellers, while down-playing items that don’t sell well or are out of stock.
Pinning & Banners
The pinning and banner tools allow merchandisers to call out or draw attention to certain products or content. Pinning provides the ability to essentially “hang” a particular product at the top of a landing page, giving the item center stage status. Having this kind of top billing causes site visitors to take notice, which can greatly increase the probability of a conversion taking place. Similarly, a banner naturally will capture the immediate attention of a shopper, often creating the desire to learn more about the product or information being featured.
Configuring Landing Pages – Creating Context For Shoppers
HawkSearch can also influence search results and landing pages by configuring products into custom categories or groupings. Let’s say the 4th of July is coming up and a merchandiser wants to capitalize on the holiday’s theme. Through HawkSearch, the merchandiser could configure a landing page that features products that only contain the terms “red, white and blue”.
These previously unrelated items now have a collective voice, which can be a powerful way to boost their conversion rates. The ability to configure landing pages by sale items, clearance status, most popular, time of year or any other criteria is a great way to strengthen the popularity of individual products by making them part of a greater theme.
Effective landing pages are critical to search results being relevant and meaningful to online visitors. The configuration of a landing page will shape the experience a shopper has on your website. HawkSearch can be utilized to customize landing pages such that they not only accomplish the goals of merchandisers, but also provide satisfactory encounters with site visitors.