Stop Killing Product Review Conversion by Avoiding These Copywriting Mistakes
One of the greatest revenue-generating assets an affiliated marketing website can have is the product review. As a tool that boosts conversions, product review pages need to be handled with care; poorly executed copywriting can hinder these pages and as a result, reduce revenue by killing conversions.
Maintain and potentially increase conversions by avoiding these common copywriting mistakes affiliate marketers make when drafting product reviews:
Mistake 1: Disregarding the searcher’s product knowledge
This may come off as common sense to some copywriters while serving as a reminder to other marketers, but if a searcher inquires about a product, chances are they are at least aware of what the product is and its basic function. That can be easy to forget sometimes, so copywriters jot down a basic, unhelpful description that can leave the searcher with more questions than answers.
Product reviews should not read like a traditional essay, outlining what it is in a lengthy introduction. As with all writing, it’s important to remember who the audience is, and to think from their perspective. What details does the customer need? What details do they already have?
State all new and important product details first in a product review. By doing so, it becomes easier to structure content and provides actual insight and assistance to the user, increasing the likelihood of them converting into a customer.
Customers, especially veteran online shoppers, are savvier than ever before and need to be treated respectfully when drafting content. Unnecessary information, or repetitive facts, will weaken the content and make it harder to increase conversion rates.
Mistake 2: Being too slow to offer a verdict on a product
There are two general categories a searcher falls into when it comes to product reviews:
1) Those contemplating an in-depth purchase and need more information
2) Those that quickly need to know if the product is worth the time, money, and effort.
This second category can only be converted if a product review offers a “quick verdict” as soon as possible.
As a result, product reviews need to open with insightful summarized thoughts on the product and a call to action associated with an offer. Offer those deliverables first, then offer more in-depth analysis to satisfy the first group.
Mistake 3: Failing to outline product research
Bad product reviews, ones that lack integrity and expertise, or inaccurately represent the actual product, have left searchers rightfully suspicious of what they read. This is especially true if the product is not a name brand. As a result, copywriters and marketers have to work harder to earn their audience’s trust. They can do this by clearly and effectively outlining any relevant product research within their reviews.
The best research is detailing any first-hand experience with the product. The second-best kind of research would be providing interconnect links from additional third-party reviewers into one review, creating a referenced and thoroughly sourced piece of content around the product.
Research should be documented, creating evidence that it was conducted and granting a product review some credibility with readers. Videos, photos, written content, and sourced links are all valued evidence that should be incorporated somehow into a review. By doing so, readers can trust the content and will be more likely to convert into loyal customers.
Mistake 4: Using poor imagery
A picture is worth a thousand words, it’s a cliche because it’s true. A low-quality image can suggest to the reader that the review lacks credibility. Especially if the image is inaccurate of the product being reviewed.
Product catalogs will often have limited images of products, usually limited to one free image per product. It’s easy for a copywriter to be tempted to use that image, but overuse of catalog imagery will also decrease your credibility.
If the choice boils down to it, it’s actually safer to go without an image than use a poor-quality one. Connecting with the marketing teams of the product makers is a solid way to get more than one high-quality image of a product.
Mistake 5: Writing in the third person
Third-person writing is the standard for many things, but generally not reviews. A product review written in the first person offers some personalization. Readers can understand how the product benefitted the copywriter from the copywriter’s own experience; in turn, they get a sense of how it would benefit them on a personal level. First-person voice identifies the narrator as “I” and the reader as “you."
When describing certain product features, it’s appropriate to use a third-person voice. Every time the third-person is used, link it back to benefit of the product feature in either the first or second person.
When writing about information that stems from another source, it’s important to write in the second person, but stick to the first person when detailing an experience. This will help keep the content well organized and easy to read. Relying too much on the third-person voice can make the content dull. Readers want to engage with the product, and providing a personal experience or tone of voice helps them do that, getting them interested, and ultimately converting into customers.
Put it together: write trusted reviews
The most prominent conversion killers when it comes to product reviews are when the reader gets the impression that the reviewer only wants to sell a product, or that the reviewer does not know what they are talking about.
Remembering these mistakes can make them easier to overcome when writing a product review.
Avoid these mistakes by putting into practice the advice laid out in this article: have the right information, outline any research, and subtly sell. Putting it all together should lead to a trustworthy, likeable review that ranks high and aids conversion, not kill it.
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